Course Description
Are you in charge of completing the customs documents for your company's imports or exports? Are you responsible for your company's customs compliance into the US? Whether you are new to this or not, if your goods enter the United States and you need an expert to take the time to answer your questions, then this series is for you. In Part 1 you learn how to avoid triggering a customs audit by creating a set of practice standards for US Customs compliance.
In-class seminar
Thursday, November 19, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm PT
Pacific Customs Brokers, 17637 1st Avenue, Surrey, BC
$80 USD
Professional Development
Are you a professional designate? Whether you’re a CCS, CES, CTCS, MES, a legal, accounting, trade or logistics professional we’ve got your annual maintenance points and/or study material for your continuing education here. With this course you will earn 5 CTCS points from CSCB and 3 CCS points from NEI towards your designation(s).

Who Should Attend?
You! The material in this course is relevant to anyone involved in the US import process within your company at any level or looking for professional development credit. Whether you are the Owner, Manager, Supervisor, Coordinator or Logistics staff of a company importing into the US, under review by CBP, with newly hired staff, or needing points for your professional designation then this is for you.
Topics Include
By taking Part 1 you will walk away with a good understanding of what US Customs and other participating agencies require, how to complete required documentation accurately, who in your supply chain is responsible for what, the large role tariff classification and country of origin play in your bottom line, types of entries available to you, and so much more. With the information you gain in this course not only will you lay a solid foundation of compliance for your business, but also for expanding your knowledge of other trade topics like customs valuation, HS tariff classification, and free trade agreements.
Responsibility of the importer
Role of the customs broker
CBP and participating government agencies
Country of origin
Tariff classification
Free trade agreement eligibility
Required documents and forms
Setting out to learn how to import your goods across international borders brings with it enough questions as it is and at times may seem like the answers you do find only raise more questions. We've put together some preliminary questions that this course will directly answer and encourage you to bring your questions to our expert who will gladly address them for you.
What is the importer responsible for?
What does a customs broker do?
How do I fill out a US Customs Invoice?
What does customs compliance mean?
What questions should I be asking my customs broker?
How do I prove customs compliance to US Customs?
You may register for any one or both sessions in the series. Receive almost 20% off by registering for Part 1 and 2 together! The listed price is in USD and includes GST tax.
"Education is learning what you didn’t know you didn’t know."
- George Boas

Josh Aknin
Director of Operations, Glass 3 Enterprises

Victoria Pearson
Controller, Natures Formulae Health Products

Angela Austin
Sales Manager, Farmers Fresh Mushrooms Inc.

Christopher Nichols
Supply Chain Supervisor, Saltworks Technologies Inc.

Joe Scully
Operations Technician, Patterson-UTI Drilling Canada Limited

Ahmed Dahise
Project Coordinator, Glass 3 Enterprises

Randy Watson
Import/Export Coordinator, Rimex Supply

Brian Gillan
Logistics Coordinator, Hillsound Equipment

Dawn Warkentin
Warehouse Inventory Coordinator, JD Sweid Foods
US Trade Advisor
April Collier
Licensed Customs Broker and Certified Customs Specialist with 40 years' experience in the import-export industry. April is a Senior Trade Advisor with PCB Customs Brokers (USA).