CFIA regulated goods and industries include seafood, produce, grocery, meat, wood and lumber, horticulture, livestock, animal feed and drugs, pet food, vitamins and supplements. Whether you are new to this or not, CFIA regulated goods are one of the most complex imports into Canada because regulations can change daily; and thus, it can get tough to keep track of what the latest rule is on romaine lettuce, organic produce, or Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) to name a few. We will review CFIA requirements, the entry process at the border and the different reviews a shipment may undergo before release.

  • On-Demand

  • 1.25 Hours

  • Online From Any Computer/Mobile Device

  • Free

On-Demand Course Will Cover

Who Should Attend?

The material in this course is relevant to ...

Are you responsible for your company's customs compliance into Canada? Are your goods regulated by the CFIA? Are you in charge of completing the customs documents for your company? Whether you are the owner, manager, supervisor, coordinator or logistics staff of a company importing into Canada then this is for you.

Are You A Professional Designate?

Whether you’re a CCS, CES, CTCS, MCS, MES, a legal, accounting, trade or logistics professional we’ve got your annual study material here.

Complete the 8 on-demand modules and attend the live webinar.

  • Watch On-Demand

    Complete all 8 on-demand modules prior to attending the live roundtable

  • Attend Live Webinar

    Tune into the live roundtable offered on September 28, 2022 at 8:30 AM PT

Now You're Ready To Attend The Roundtable

A 1-hour Q&A session with our trade experts to get your questions answered live.

  • Free

    FreeHow To Import CFIA Regulated Goods

    Did you have a chance to watch the On-Demand course? Great! You're now ready to join the live webinar for How To Import CFIA Regulated Goods. This is a hour-long roundtable offered once annually, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions and get them answered live in real time.


  • Gloria Terhaar

    Canadian Regulatory Analyst

    Gloria Terhaar

    Certified Customs Specialist, Certified Trade Compliance Specialist and CBSA Professional Designate with over 20 years' experience in Canadian customs brokerage. Gloria is a Canadian Regulatory Analyst with PCB Customs Brokers (Canada).
  • Adriana Petty

    Marketing Specialist & Asst. Graphic Designer

    Adriana Petty

    Adriana spearheaded PCB Global Trade's education program for the last 12 years. With a natural knack for hosting in-person events, online webinars and a love for being on camera she takes on the role of the importer/exporter to moderate, introduce you to the PCB Group and pose your questions to our experts in global trade.